Want to mingle with japanese housewives in their 50's? Kakishibu dyeing is the key to their hearts, an ingroup badge more recognizable than wolfsangel armbands. Master these techniques to become their second child, inherit property in 40 to 50 years, all while wearing something brown.

Astringent persimmon dye has a history stretching back to the 10th century with uses ranging from urushi and wood preservation to strengthening fishing nets. Underripe green persimmons are crushed and fermented, at which a stinking dark brown dye is produced. After soaking in a diluted solution multiple days of hanging in sunlight reacts with the tannins and produces fixative acids. The resulting polyphenols have antimicrobial and insecticide properties like traditional indigo dyeing. A modern odorless 500ml bottle of dye is currently around 1800 yen or free if you commute to a worksite as kakishibu is still regularly used in cabinbuilding and residential reform.

1. Degrease the fabric about to be dyed with a mild detergent. Rinse thoroughly and wring out.

2. Pour 30~50ml of dye into a container or bucket. Dilute 1:2~1:10. Thicker concentrations and hard water will discourage consistent dyeing. Steel vessels will react with the tannins and discolor black like the process for Oshima tsumugi.

3. Add the wet cloth into the dye and agitate until the garment is evenly soaked. Wring out. The color will be very faint at this point. Reserve the remaining dye into a bottle for later use.

4. Hang to dry for several days in good weather. Sunlight will intensify and darken the dye. Segments obscured by clothing pins or overlapping cloth will remain light. Steel hangers may react and discolor with slower-drying cloth.

5.The cloth will be stiff like it's been starched. Repeat 3~4 until a desirable color is reached, 20+ days will result in an intensely reddish-brown hue. Iron/aluminum/titanium mordants can be used but it will significantly darken dyed cloth within seconds. To finish rinse and dry.

Unlike contemporary direct/acid dyes Kakishibu doesn't require any heat or long soaking times. As the intensity of the dye is determined after drying the process is much more predictable. For most even results dye cloth before sewing.

There you are. You're a future property owner now.

15 days/4 dye cycles
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Kakishibu Dyeing