FE8 is a game. it's fine. For a long time it was the soviet dissident of fire emblem games, disrespected and neglected. Recent developments within the last 5 years have really opened the game to ambitious ROM hacks like Sacred Echoes and self-randomizer mod. The narrative and pacing criticisms transformed into an open canvas for modders.

Much of the cast are stoic and rather one-dimensional. If there were more L'arachels than it would be disgusting in a good way even without the unreliable varnish of nostalgia. The FE8 randomized mod works with normal save files, introducing human and even female enemies post-game. It has ameliorated one of the barriers to my enjoyment that has plagued me for the last 15 year.s

The music, spites, and animations are still fantastic, the stylistic decsions maintain a careful balance between derivation and __.

created: 10/4/2016

rewritten: 2/24/2019

rewritten2: 9/9/2023

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I used this thing for reference on almost every playthrough.

Control enemy code (Gameshark) 9E8FAC58 43D4C6E1

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Fire Emblem 8