Ultraman is a Japanese tokusatsu series, one of the big arteries of eye-poppingly expensive midecentury productions alongside Godzilla and Kamen rider. Men in silver and crimson vinyl suits fight big foam monsters on miniturized cities. Just imagine, you have to hire stunt managers, production managers, pyro engineers, set dressers, lighting and camera crews, the manpower for a show like this must've been staggering. Every consultant has blood rushing into their parts just thinking about the potential redundancies listed on a powerpoint.
It's a remarkably long-running series with new ultramen successively replacing older ones like apoptosis or AKB48 members. The virile grandfather-clock of Japanese media, its enduring appeal is largely carried byd overlapping generations of nostalgia. Original kaiju design contests attract submissions by children (4) and very large children (31).
Despite the stink associated with the adoration of kiddos much of it was quite avant garde, owing to heavy cross-pollination with experimental films through the 60's. Rough around the edges, stinking of cigarettes and ozone depleters, and undeniably stylish.
The series frequently bleeds into popular culture with appearances in unrelated merchandise, commercials, and surreal travel shows.
More hard inanimate object than lover. Wide appeal to the tumble dryer paraphillics. 4/10
Definitely an eccentric type. Canonically Barutan is a father, good for him.
Probably wholly uninterested in you and spends all their free time writing long strings of prime numbers. The kind of partner who always has crumbs in their bed and wipes back to front. 1/10
a nice hugger. 7/10
One for the freaks, the OG spiderfuckers. 5/10
They're practically two men already joined at the waist. unrelated to the indian fast food chain. 2/10
ranking ultraman kaiju by fuckability